All My Medical Tests Come Back Negative, and I Don’t Know Why:

Chris Lawrence
3 min readSep 11, 2019

Disclaimer: This story is true, and it’s one of the first times that I’m being so vulnerable about medical history and the mental impact of not knowing that is going on with my own body.

Photo Credits: Unsplash

This experience that I’ve found myself in is not something unique to my situation, or even to my life. In fact, I’ve read about many people who have waited years and have fought hard with doctors in order to get understand a specific problem that they experience. I’ve been in those shoes, I’m still in those shoes and to say the least — it is incredibly isolating. When I talk about this with mainly my girlfriend, I describe it as I just don’t feel like I’m in sync with my body and that is a pretty scary feeling. For as long as I can remember, I have had digestive issues that I just didn’t really understand. I found that I’d have to use the bathroom more frequently when I was anxious, such as the day of my university graduation, or on the morning of starting my first day in my career. I found that no matter what I did, I couldn’t get any relief from pretty serious stomach pains that I would feel on a consistent basis. I’ve seen countless doctors in Ontario and a few in Quebec and the only two things that remained constant were:

  • I knew that something was wrong with me but I couldn’t articulate what it was time after time

