I‘m Forgiving Myself for Going Through Post-Grad Depression:

Chris Lawrence
5 min readNov 3, 2020

A Not-so-Personal Essay on Closing a Shitty Chapter— 2 Years Later:

Photo Source: Unsplash

This story isn’t going to be something unique to me, and if you’re reading this — you may be in the middle of a rough season or just finding your balance once again after life knocked you down once you walked across the graduation stage. For the past two years of my life, I felt like there were many moments where I was moving on auto-pilot; I went to work, I had drinks with friends, I saw my girlfriend, I spent time with family — but I always felt this sense of disconnect. There was always this looming, grey cloud that would keep showing up. I felt like I was never present in a moment long enough to enjoy whatever was happening. I was always thinking about what’s next — mainly because everyone makes such a big deal about what a recent grad is going to do next. Will you get a Masters? Will you go to Law School? Will you get a corporate job that you hate, but still go to for the next 30 years to provide for your family?

I had no idea, and it was easier to ignore it.

I’d always heard people talking about how tough graduating from university could be, which made a lot of people become professional students because in some way — being a student was easier than being thrown into the dark, cruel world. I thought that it would never…

